Wear resistant coatings to optimize processing plants
Industrial extraction of mineral resources would be inconceivable without highly efficient processing technologies. Whether in wet or dry separation (floatation), production plants are exposed to unimaginable flow rates and wear potential. Often set up in the most inaccessible places in the world, our industrial well-being depends on the "smooth" operation of these machines and plants.
Natural rubber is a widely used surface protection in mining – MetaLine optimizes this even further with its completely seamless, synthetic spray rubber coating . . .
MetaLine Series 700 coatings provide an unusually efficient surface protection function up to 25 mm (1,000 mils) impacting particle size. The viscoelastic material properties make these coatings resistant against bouncing and bumping effects, on the one hand, and assure resistance against destruction caused by sliding, furrowing or cutting movements, on the other. Especially in rubber-lined systems, MetaLine can be used as a quick and cold repair method with absolute onsite capability. Modern flotation plants would not be possible without the seamlessly sprayed protective skin.
MetaLine Series 700 coatings provide highly efficient elastomeric wet wear protection. The difference to conventional rubber lining? Sprayed! Seamless! Lightweight! Repairable! More durable!
The tough-elastic material characteristics withstand impact on the one hand and abrasion on the other. Can be used in a pH range of 3-11 and is of course resistant to the surfactants and foam stabilizers used. Especially in cells already lined with rubber, MetaLine Series 700 coatings are a fast and “cold” repair method with absolute “on-site suitability”. No more gluing and mobile vulcanizing!
Modern flotation systems would be almost unimaginable without our seamlessly sprayed protective skin - whether as original equipment or for repairs! Engineering made in Germany . . .