"Offshore" is the perfect term to accurately describe what happens when adverse and difficult climatic conditions meet with sensitive modern engineering systems. Whether cold, heat, saltwater or storm – there is no "excuse" for surface protection systems. Despite these unfavorable conditions, permanent functionality must be guaranteed. Every failure, every repair becomes a risk for man and machine.
On the other hand, the intervention in maritime nature must be as environmentally friendly as possible. Outstanding tasks for a modern coating technologies.
Ask us about: filters / strainers / seachests / mudboxes, rudders, bow / tunnel thrusters, jet propulsion systems / kort nozzles, seawater piping, ballast water treatment reactors, retractable fin stabilizers, buoys / marine fenders, hawses / rope eyes, hatch cover seals / cargo holds, heat exchangers
We have a solution for problems with cavitation on ships / off-shore plants! Scope of application: Seawater pipes Filters / strainers / sea chests Rudders / rudder horns Thrusters Jet propulsion systems / Kort nozzles Retractable fin stabilizers Ballast water treatment reactors Buoys / fenders Hawses / rope eyes Hatch cover seals Heat exchangers MetaLine - Technical solutions in detail METALINE SERIES 700 MetaLine Series 700 coatings start where conventional epoxy repair products and coating systems fail – in the area of permanently dynamic erosion and cavitation stresses. Shock, impact, vibration, high flow velocities and extreme temperature fluctuations are the preferred field of application of the elastomeric MetaLine technology. Fit for use up to a diving depth of approx. 700 meters with an electro-chemically active duplex corrosion protective function. And what about the costs? They will provide a pleasant surprise for you when you compare them with those spent so far on repair fillers.
MetaLine Series 700 – MetaLine Series 700 coatings start where conventional epoxy repair products fail – in the area of permanently dynamic erosion and cavitation stresses. Shock, impact, vibration, high flow velocities, and extreme temperature fluctuations are the preferred areas of application for the elastomeric MetaLine technology. Approved up to a diving depth of approx. 700 meters (2,300 feet) with an electro-chemically active duplex corrosion protective function! And what about the costs? They will provide a pleasant surprise for you when compared with those spent so far on conventional repair fillers.